Mysterious Chad
個人在年初進行 這本書 的寫作時曾經把 Chad Billingsley -- or CBill -- 列為 08 年 Dodgers 的重點觀察投手 (打者則是 Rafael Furcal),但截至 4 月 24 日為止,CBill 交出了 ERA 6.53、0W4L 的成績,看起來個人的推測完全不對頭。
不過如果更進一步的看 CBill 的各項 stats,我們發現他在 20.2 IPs 裡交出了 32K 與 13BB,HR 也只 surrendered 2 發,如果單算 FIP,CBill 是相當不錯的 3.54,和帳面上的成績整整差了 3 分,會造成這種結果,和 Dodgers 只給了 CBill .551 的 DEF_EFF (Defense Efficiency) 脫不了太大的關係。
DEF_EFF 可以簡單的解釋為 "當球被 put into play 時,有多少比例會轉換為 outs" 的指標,事實上在 BP 的系統裡,投手的 BABIP 就被定義為 (1 - DEF_EFF),也就是說 BP 的 BABIP 包含了 ROE (Reach on Error) 的成分,在個人看來,這是合理的設定!畢竟在 MLB,球被 put into play 後會被記為 "Error" 的比率小於 3%,一個幾乎可以忽略的數字。
換句話說,CBill 的投球只要被打出去,有將近 50% 的比例會造成安全上壘,這可以從他 04/24 對上 D'Backs 的比賽主投 6 局、交出 12K、2BB 與 1HR 卻狂丟 5 分一事看得出來:他身後的 7 位野手幾乎可以當成多餘的存在。
事實上 Dodgers 08 年的 rotation 是值得期待的,但似乎某幾位仁兄在季初受到了 BABIP 的 "降頭",以下是 Dodgers 目前主投 15+ IPs 的投手的 DEF_EFF (4 月 24 日為止):
Name | IP | FIP | ERA | DEF_EFF |
E. Loaiza | 16.7 | 4.34 | 4.32 | .774 |
H. Kuroda | 24.7 | 4.50 | 2.92 | .726 |
D. Lowe | 29.3 | 3.34 | 2.45 | .700 |
H.C. Kuo | 15.0 | 3.53 | 3.60 | .667 |
B. Penny | 30.3 | 2.87 | 2.67 | .653 |
C. Billingsley | 20.7 | 3.54 | 6.53 | .551 |
毫無疑問,CBill 的 DEF_EFF 簡直就是個謎;Penny 則也有回昇的空間;至於 Kuo 在短暫的 MLB 賽事裡事實上一直都有把持不住 BABIP 的毛病;而最有趣的是 Kuroda 與 CBill 在 ERA/FIP 的項目形成的強烈對比。
回到 CBill 的話題,他現在頂著近 .450 的 BABIP,要說這不會 regress 倒也不容易,事實上從 CBill 的 resume 裡,他的 BABIP 大約維持在 league average (.29x) 的水平,考慮 Dodgers 破爛的守備陣容,合理推估 CBill 的 BABIP 在 .320 ~ .330 附近,也就是說 CBill 目前的 BABIP 大概可以向下 regress 至少 120 ~ 130 points 左右。
我們可以從更具體的角度來看 "regress 120 ~ 130 points" 的 BABIP 該如何 translate?在這裡個人使用一個不很牢靠,但也不會太離譜的方法來玩玩。
首先從 CBill 的 career stats 開始:CBill 在 06 與 07 年一共被擊出 223 支安打,其中有 158 支 singles、39 支 doubles、4 支 triples 以及 22 支 HRs,以比例來看就是:
1B | 2B | 3B | HR |
71% | 17% | 2% | 10% |
假設在這個 season 還有 600 位打者會從 CBill 手中把球 put into play,同時 BABIP 下修 120 points,這也就是說在這 600 個 put ball into play 的 ABs 裡,會少掉 72 支安打,而這 72 支安打裡是 single 的大約有 51.12 (72 * 71%) 支,以此類推,double 有 12.24 支、triple 有 1.44 支,剩下的 7.2 支則是 HR,那麼單就 SLG 來看:
(51.12 + 2 * 12.24 + 3 * 1.44 + 4 * 7.2) / 600 ~ .181
也就是 181 points 的 SLG regressed,相當於讓 Albert Pujols 變成 Orlando Hudson!
而如果您眼睛夠尖,應該不難發現個人所使用的方法其實有 Marcel 那種 regress toward the mean 的味道在內,由於一位 MLB 的投手大約需要 600+ IPs 的累積才能讓他的 stuff 較忠實的由數字來反映,因此嚴格說來,現在的 CBill 並不很適合這樣的 approach。但無論如何,個人想表達的是透過這些簡單的算術來表達 CBill 現階段的 "降頭" 有多嚴重;而一旦他的數字開始 regress,又會如何的 "功力大增"。
而現在 Dodger fans 該擔心的是:如果在 Joe Torre 的耐心用完前 CBill 的 "luck" 還回不來,那可就不太妙了。
近兩天對上 D'Backs 的比賽讓我對一件事想了很久:一位 manager 要如何在一場 8:3 贏球的賽事裡用上 5 個投手?不過 Joe Torre 就有這個本事,事情則發生在 4 月 23 日。
即便是先發的 Derek Lowe 在投滿 5 局後退場,Dodgers 仍然以 6:1 領先,差距不可謂不小,這個時候就用 Park 這種 mop-up 投到底也就可以了!結果 Joe Beimel 卻還上場做了一回幾乎像是 LOOGY 的事!?箇中道理,還真讓人百思不得其解。
其實這是個值得觀察的環節:Joe Torre 對於 bullpen 的調度一直給個人一種 over-managed、過多的 interfere 的感覺,不曉得是不是因為這樣才讓 Scott Proctor 曾經有過單季出賽
如此一來,Dodgers 再度回到 12 名投手的編制,這對於 roster spot 其實已經有某種程度的浪費,不過如果您曉得 Brewers 在他們的 active roster 裡塞了 14 名投手 (如此一來,可能有助於 Ned Yost 延後 Brewers' bullpen 崩盤的時間),那麼對於 Dodgers 的情況,或許也稍微可以寬心點吧?
提到 Scott Proctor,如果我們分析 Dodgers 是如何把他弄到手的話,可以向上 retro 到 06 年:
- Dodgers 用 Edwin Jackson (SP) + Chuck Tiffany (SP) 向 Rays 換來了 Danys Baez (RP) 與 Lance Carter (RP)。
- Lance Carter 被 outright 後,Danys Baez + Willy Aybar (SS、3B) + undisclosed cash 向 Braves 換來了 Wilson Betemit (SS、3B)
- Wilson Betemit 向 Yankees 換來了 Scott Proctor
所以 Dodgers 等於是用兩位年輕的 SP prospects -- Edwin Jackson & Chuck Tiffany -- 換回了手臂已經快要投到飛出去的 Scott Proctor。
How brilliant, Ned ...
由 Proctor 的那幾項交易最後來看,目前「最賺的」是 Rays ?
What's "mean" you're referring to in regress to the mean? If you're referring to the mean that CBill established so far, how do we know there is a regress to it? If it's CBill's career mean, we may have no idea on what is it by the his established mean so far, right?
Excuse my silly question. I know only a little on statistics but I thought statistics is good for examining the past rather than predicting the future?
To 大胖,
To Max,
Statistic is to dig out something useful from the numbers we have in hand, establish a mathematical model, and predict the future. Put it more specifically, the result of statistical process tells us a direction for making our decision.
And the 'mean' there you mentioned previously is CBill's 'career mean'.
I cannot really talk too much about how RTTM (Regress Toward The Mean) works. But I can tell how we deal CBill's number. We know a pitcher needs to accumulate 600+ IPs so that the numbers can speak for his stuff. But if we have to exam a pitcher like CBill, who has about only 260 IPs in his resume, what shall we do?
The answer is: follow the RTTM, we add 340 (i.e: 600 - 260) league average inning to CBill, and we start talking about how he will be doing in the future.
CBill's BABIP, in his young career, is around league average. Adding another 340 league average IPs makes his BABIP still around league average. That's how we 'predict' (or 'estimate') CBill's career mean.
Thanks, it makes sense. Now I am wondering how confident are we when using this model? Any idea?
I don't know how to determine 'confident'. Due to small sample size problem, RTTM is an alternative way to give us a rough view about the things we would like to forecast.
Think about this: if we want to determine the true talent of a pitcher who only pitched 5 innings in the Big, we need to add another 595 league average IPs. It goes without saying the result will be very close to league average, right? But it somehow makes sense since the best shot (or say, the most reliable guess) we will be right on our money of this 5-IP pitcher's talent is taking him as a league average guy.
Thus, it's not about 'accuracy' but 'precision'. It's about the quality of reproducible performance. To be more specifically, it's 'reliability' we're talking about here in RTTM.
'Reliability' (REL) can be simply defined as follow:
Where VAR_T and VAR_M represent the variance of true talent and the observed talent, respectively. By the way, the 'true talent' is no where to be known. In CBill's example, we add 360 IPs to estimate his true talent.
As you see, the more league average IPs we add, the less reliability it will be (VAR_O holds still, but VAR_T decreases), which implies the observed talent isn't very reproducible.
This is my two cents.
With that replacement value to fill in, I have a question. How did Baseball Prospectus got that projection of 400 OBP for Fukudome before he ever batted even once in the Major?
I guess nobody would ever or will know exactly how PECOTA works. Roughly speaking, PECOTA compare the similar players who are with the same age as Fukudome, and take those 'similar Fukudome' as indicators to forecast Fukudome's performance this season. Still, that's sort of RTTM along with similarity score.
Look at Fukudome's last 3-year stats (in NPB), which is what Marcel (another forecasting system) applies to forecast this season, the only thing about his OBP I can say is 'amazing'. It seems around .430 ~ .440. Even if we consider the league difficulty adjustments, taking his OBP around .400 this season is not a bad shot.
You know what I've read from the news when Fukudome decided to be a Cub? One sabermetrician said:
'The Cubs finally find a way to score more than 1-run by a homer'.
1. 吊詭的是,雖然釀酒人隊帶了許多後援投手,但該隊總教練 Ned Yost 經常為人詬病的一點,卻是太慢才將先發投手換下來。
2. Chuck Tiffany 受傷之後,這兩年已經全然消失無蹤了,最近才又見他在 1A 初賽。至於 Edwin Jackson,依我之見也不比 Scott Proctor 來得有用。好玩的是 Willy Aybar 今年也被勇士隊交易去光芒隊,不過沒擋住 Evan Longoria 多久就受傷了。
3. Baseball Prospectus 應該有一套系統將 NPB 的表現 translate 成 MLB 的表現,這樣一來就會有 track record 去進行 PECOTA 預測。
"不曉得是不是因為這樣才讓 Scott Proctor 曾經有過單季出賽 117 場的紀錄?"
好久不見,新的 Blog 如果開張要宣傳一下。
06 年當 Tiffany 被交易出去時,BA 認為他的 curve 是農場裡的 best tool,確實可以從結果論來看,畢竟 Chuck 和 Edwin 這兩年也沒有什麼好表現,不過兩個 SP prospects 只能從 Rays 騙到像 Baez 和 Carter 這種 "東西s",並不該被原諒。
個人相信那是在打文章時人跑去神遊了,其實我本來要打的是 "出賽 117 局",不過 "117" 這數字又是從哪裡得到的啟示,現在完全想不起來...
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